A bladder infection sometimes called cystitis or inflammation of the bladder which is a type of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It caused by an abnormal growth of bacteria inside the bladder. The structure of the female urinary system, Bladder infections occur more commonly in women than men, because women have a shorter urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the bladder. Bladder infections are not serious if treated right away, if not promptly treated, it will reach the kidneys that lead to permanent kidney damage.
What Causes Bladder Infections?
Most bladder infections are caused by various strains of E. coli, the bacteria commonly found in the intestines. so the proximity from the rectum to the urethra in women is a major cause.
Diabetes can increase the risk of bladder infections, Some diabetics are not able to completely empty their bladder and chronically have high residual volumes of urine in their bladder.
Menopause also increases the risk of a bladder infection. Because women who go through menopause have a lack of estrogen in the vaginal tissue.
A tube called a urinary catheter inserted into your urinary tract can increase the risk of bladder infections.
Kidney stones can increase the risk of bladder infections.
Pregnancy also increases susceptibility to bladder infection.
Sexual intercourse is another potential risk factor for bladder infection.
Bladder Infection Symptoms
If you think you might be suffering from a bladder infection, take a look at the following bladder infection symptoms.
A burning sensation when urinating
Blood in the urine
Frequent urge to urinate
Bladder spasm
Fatigue and Shakiness
Foul odor
Cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine
Chills and shaking or night sweats
If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.
How to Prevent Bladder Infections?
Drink lots of water, at least five glasses a day.
Go to the bathroom before and after Sexual intercourse.
Change panties, You should also avoid wearing pants that are too tight, as they can irritate the urethra.
Save bubble baths, Bubble baths can irritate the urethra, making it more susceptible to invading bacteria.
Cranberries and blueberries may prevent bacteria from clinging to the bladder. The cranberries make the urine very acidic which makes a very bad environment for the growth of bacteria.