Stomach pain after eating is exceedingly prevalent and is experienced by most people. You prefer to be seated in one place or go to bed immediately after overeating, this is an unhealthy diet, It usually causes stomach pain. Some common causes of stomach pain after eating include peptic ulcer disease, chronic cholecystitis and bowel obstruction. The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer disease is extreme discomfort or pain within your stomach pain after eating and this discomfort is often accompanied by a burning sensation. A bowel obstruction is one of the most common symptoms of extreme abdominal pain or stomach pain after eating, it can be dangerous.
Causes of Stomach Pain after Eating
Stomach pain after eating can be caused by different conditions, such as potential diseases, eating too fast or eating high-fat foods, digestive disorder, etc.
First, the most common cause of stomach pain after eating is overeating, it can cause a stomach pain, and also cause pancreatitis.
Second, gallstones can cause the pain in the stomach after eating.
Third, Lactose Intolerance can cause stomach pain after eating. Such as milk, yogurt, ice cream or soft cheeses you may experience bloating and digestive discomfort, please avoid eating such lactose foods.
Fourth, when the intestines are obstructed due to blockage, the food cannot pass through, can cause the pain.
Fifth, food poisoning is also a cause of pain in the stomach after eating.
Sixth, excessive alcohol consumption.
Home Care for Stomach Pain after Eating
Ginger is one of the most natural remedies for stomach pain. It is faster digestion which will cut down on the time food spends rotting in your stomach.
Indigestion is a common cause for stomach pain which results typically from overeating. Lemons contain ascorbic vitamin C, Because it can kills the harmful bacteria.
If you like raw fennel, you can chew on a fresh slice of the bulb to ease indigestion or bloating after eating.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can also be used to assist with digestion, help absorb nutrients, and to treat stomach pain.
Peppermint also helps with digestion.
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Causes of Stomach Pain after Eating
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